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Your search for "hose clamp" in Parkinson Cowan CC500GRN Cookers & Hobs

Your search for "hose clamp" in Parkinson Cowan CC500GRN Cookers & Hobs produced less than 3 results. Please click on our suggestions below for more products:

Tricity Bendix Pipe Grill Union

Genuine spare part fits select Electrolux, Parkinson Cowan, Tricity Bendix and Zanussi cookers and hobs.

Electrolux Oven Front L/H Tap Pipe

Genuine spare part suitable for select models of Parkinson Cowan ovens

Electrolux Cooker Phial Clip

Genuine spare part for select AEG, Electrolux, Parkinson Cowan, Tricity Bendix, Zanussi cookers.

Electrolux Cooker Glass Clip Retention Group

Genuine spare parts for select models of Electrolux and Zanussi cookers

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