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Your search for "shaft kit" in Numatic (Henry) HHR220-2 Vacuum Cleaners

Your search for "shaft kit" in Numatic (Henry) HHR220-2 Vacuum Cleaners produced less than 3 results. Please click on our suggestions below for more products:

Electruepart Vacuum Cleaner 32mm Floor Tool Kit

High quality replacement floor tool kit for all models of vacuum cleaners that have a 32mm hose or extension tube connection

Electruepart Universal Vacuum Cleaner Tool Kit - 35mm

High qaulity universal kit fits externally to 35mm hoses and extension tubes, so remember to measure your hose before ordering this kit

Electruepart Vacuum Cleaner Deluxe Tool Kit - 32mm

If you are looking for a better range whilst cleaning with your vacuum cleaner, eSpares has just what you need with this deluxe tool kit.

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